A Seasoned Progress OpenEdge Developer’s Journey through the Basic OpenEdge Developer Certification

Hi, I’m Alex! I’ve started working with Progress OpenEdge in 2017, when I also took my OpenEdge 11.7 certification. I recently had the opportunity to follow the same certification course, but for the newest version, OpenEdge 12.

Already having experience with the platform, I knew what I was getting into. A well-structured learning path, with dedicated courses, each having both a theoretical and practical side, ending with the ‘final boss’: the Certification Exam.

As I’ve gone through the course, I also found out about new (or more likely, unknown to me) attributes, functions, etc. I will add a small remark (*) to each related section to mention them.


What is OpenEdge?


Starting with the very basics, you’re introduced to the definition of the OpenEdge platform, together with a high-level description of its architecture and processes. After that, you’re given a tour of the IDE of choice for OpenEdge developers, Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge, or as we like to refer to it, Developer Studio.

Here I also found out about a lesser-known option, that I haven’t seen being used by other developers yet:

*Window-Preferences-Progress OpenEdge “Editor Expand database tables and fields”.



Rediscovering the basics


After this introduction, you’re guided through a more consistent course, covering the fundamentals of OpenEdge: retrieving and manipulating data, queries, procedures, record locking, error handling, and transactions.

I must admit, you’re never too prepared when it comes to record and transaction scoping, so going through this course provided a much-needed refresh, especially thanks to the guided exercises.  Again, I stumbled upon something new: SINGLE-RUN procedures.

*SINGLE-RUN: In single-run mode, the external procedure is instantiated only when an internal procedure or user-defined function that it defines is invoked remotely. The single-run procedure is deleted when the internal procedure or user-defined function completes.


Getting more serious


Moving beyond the basics, two crucial courses on ProDataSets and OO (object-oriented programming) await.

ProDataSets provide efficient data handling for the application. This part includes an overview of defining, populating, and managing them, performing operations, together with how they are used in a distributed architecture.

*SCHEMA-MARSHALL temp-table handle attribute: Specifies the amount of schema information to marshal for a temp-table parameter.



The Object-Oriented course introduces us to the concepts of object-oriented programming, data members, methods, abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance. If you’ve used OO in any other language, you will find it to be basically the same.



The final boss


60 questions, 2h 30 minutes, and the most terrifying part, multiple-choice questions: that’s what you should expect during the final exam. Jokes aside, it’s a challenging but insightful recap of the entire learning journey, culminating in a 2-year certificate for those who score 75% or higher.





Reflecting on my initial skepticism, I found the certification to be a valuable experience.

Whether you’re an experienced developer or a newcomer, I strongly recommend taking the time for this certification—it’s an opportunity to refresh your knowledge and discover something new.





Author: Alexandru Trasca, Senior Developer

Alex is a Senior OE Developer with a strong passion for technology and problem-solving. Always ready to lend a hand, Alex is not only a talented developer but also a supportive mentor to his teammates. When he’s not coding or solving complex technical challenges, you’ll likely find him rewatching his favorite movie—Lord of the Rings.

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