ABLUnit Essentials

A Comprehensive Guide to Unit Testing with PDSOE for OpenEdge





In modern software development, ensuring code reliability, robustness, and maintainability is crucial. ABLUnit, the integrated testing framework for Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge (PDSOE), enables developers to streamline the testing process for Progress ABL (Advanced Business Language) applications. It supports Test-Driven Development (TDD) and automation, providing tools to efficiently verify that your code behaves as expected. With a focus on simplicity and comprehensive reporting, ABLUnit is an indispensable tool for teams aiming to deliver high-quality, reliable software in a fast-paced development environment.

This guide will walk you through the setup, writing, and execution of unit tests, and best practices for leveraging ABLUnit in your projects.


Setting Up ABLUnit


Getting started with ABLUnit in PDSOE is straightforward. Follow these steps to integrate it into your development process:


Create an ABLUnit Project:
    1. In your PDSOE workspace, create a new OpenEdge project of type ABLUnit.
    2. Choose an appropriate name for the project, for instance, “ABLUnitTests”.
    3. Ensure that the project reflects the structure of the code you are testing for consistency and organization.





Configure Propath Entries:
  • Add Propath entries for the project containing the code you want to test. This ensures that your test project has access to the correct files and dependencies.




Database Connections:
  • If your tests require a database, add the necessary database connections to the ABLUnit project.




Once set up, you are ready to start writing and executing tests.


Writing Unit Tests in ABLUnit


Unit tests help verify that individual pieces of code function as expected. ABLUnit follows standard testing practices, allowing you to structure and organize your tests efficiently.


Create Test Classes:
    1. Navigate to the class or procedure you want to test.
    2. It’s best to replicate the relative path of the source file in the ABLUnit project’s test folder structure for better organization.
    3. Add a new test class in the relevant folder inside the ABLUnit project.




Prepare Test Setup and Cleanup:

In most cases, test environments need a defined setup and teardown process:

  1. Use the @Before method to prepare necessary data contexts or states before any test method runs.
  2. Use the @After method to clean up resources or reset the context after the tests are executed.

Optionally, you can utilize setup and teardown methods for further preparations and cleanups specific to each test case.




Write Test Methods:
    1. Annotate each test method with @Test to identify it as a unit test.
    2. Test methods should be declared public to ensure ABLUnit recognizes and executes them.
    3. Enclose tested code in transaction blocks and include rollback mechanisms to ensure the database state is not permanently altered.
    4. Use debug messages for deeper insights during test execution or failure tracing.



Best Practices for Test Design:
    1. Keep tests isolated to ensure that one test does not affect another. This can be achieved through proper use of the Before and After methods.
    2. Aim for small, focused tests that validate a single behavior or logic unit. This makes issues easier to identify and resolve.
    3. Prioritize code readability and maintainability in your test code, just as you would in production code.


Running Unit Tests


Executing your unit tests is seamless in PDSOE:


Running Single Test Classes:
    1. Right-click on a test class in the ABLUnit project explorer or within the editor view.
    2. Select Run As > Progress ABLUnit Application.





Monitor Test Execution:
    1. The ABLUnit view will display real-time progress and the results of your tests.
    2. If a test fails, the Failure Trace view provides detailed information about the failure, helping you quickly pinpoint the issue.



Debugging and Retesting:
    1. Review failure details in the trace logs and adjust your code or test case as needed.
    2. Rerun tests directly from the failure trace for quick feedback.



Grouping Tests with Unit Test Suites


For more comprehensive testing, multiple unit tests can be grouped into test suites, allowing you to run several tests at once.


Create a Test Suite:
    1. Right-click on the tests folder in the ABLUnit project and select New > Test Suite Class.
    2. Use the wizard to select which unit test classes or procedures you want to include in the suite.



Run the Test Suite:

Test suites can be executed similarly to individual test classes, providing a higher-level view of your code’s behavior across multiple areas.




By integrating ABLUnit into your development workflow, you’re taking an essential step toward ensuring the reliability and performance of your software. Unit testing not only helps identify bugs early but also fosters a culture of quality across your development team. As you adopt test automation and TDD practices, you’ll enhance collaboration, reduce development time, and increase confidence in your codebase.

Investing time in writing well-structured unit tests will pay off in the long run, as they provide a safety net during refactoring and scaling, ensuring your applications maintain their quality even as they evolve.






Author: Vasile Mocan, Tech Lead

Vasile is an OpenEdge specialist with over 15 years of experience. Known for his hands-on approach, he enjoys creating tools to make development more efficient and mentoring his team to achieve top results. Friendly and approachable, Vasile is always ready with advice, a smile, and a commitment to excellence.