WeMatchIT (www.wematchit.nl) is a web-based interactive platform for matching IT professionals and employers, focused (for the moment) on the Dutch market.
Since it was launched this July, the new platform was received with great enthusiasm by the online community:
WeMatchIT is a new initiative. On a beautiful and structured website you can find a good overview of new and temporary jobs. WeMatchIT is new, but already worthwhile. So take a look! – ictintermediairs.nl.
About WeMatchIT
WeMatchIT is changing the traditional way of sourcing and selecting IT professionals.
No hourly rates, no expensive broker fees but: a smart platform that facilitates direct contact between employer and jobseeker to allow them to make the right match.Employers use WeMatchIT to easily find, select and contract the best IT professional for the job.
The process of job posting, matching and the applicant tracking process are fully facilitated by the platform. WeMatchIT proves that this process can be quicker and less expensive. ((Bas Cornelissen, Director)
Special Offer
You can post your first job for free! In addition, Wayfare customers get a special
time limited discount of 50%. Use voucher code “wayfare” before the end of
October, 2014. Try it, we are sure you will be convinced.
How It Works
Curious how it works? Take a look at this short video guide:
Working With Wayfare
From the beginning, Wayfare was in a very close and productive cooperation with the WeMatchIT team applying an AGILE approach in each phase of the project. During the research and development period, the platform received major upgrades in terms of design, user experience and features.
Being able to understand the context and goals is the starting point of any great project. The Wayfare team proved to have the right skills, dedication and flexibility to deliver the required results. We were the first customer of Wayfare and we will certainly commit to a long lasting relationship with this great company. (Bas Cornelissen, Director)