It’s Time For A Better Match

It’s Time For A Better Match

WeMatchIT ( is a web-based interactive platform for matching IT professionals and employers, focused (for the moment) on the Dutch market. Since it was launched this July, the new platform was received with great enthusiasm by the online community:...
It’s Time For A Better Match

WeMatchIT – Another Wayfare signed Project Is Live

Another Wayfare signed project is live! WeMatchIT – A web-based jobs and recruiting platform focused (for the moment) on the Dutch market. The project was launched this July. During the research and development period, in close and productive...
Wayfare started the first project using Rollbase

Wayfare started the first project using Rollbase

Last summer the first project was started using the latest technology that Progress is bringing to the market. The project started with an architecture phase and continued with a pilot project focusing on Master Data Management. The project was executed for Macintosh...